
Phone: 440-834-2234 (voice or text message)

Address: 14005 Ensign Road | Burton, Ohio 44021

Carmen Hinkle

1825 Farm Curator

I have a passion for growing flowers and creating one-of-a-kind bouquets and arrangements for weddings, anniversaries, and other special occasions. Gardening has always been a source of joy for me, and I love incorporating my fresh flowers and herbs into the bouquets. Vintage vases and repurposed containers provide the finishing touch to many of my unique floral arrangements.

Emily Blackburn

1825 Farm Director

The flower farm is located on the farm that I grew up on. I used to help my parents bale hay, and my father kept bees. My parents purchased the farm in the 1960s from the Ensign family who founded the farm in the early 1800s. I am so excited that we have been able to keep the farm a family business and grow beautiful flowers for everyone to enjoy.